The New Age of AI For Job Seekers

The New Age of AI For Job Seekers – Recruitment and hiring are being replaced by automation, algorithms, and machine learning. How can humanity compete against the rise of robots?

The New Age of AI For Job Seekers

Before artificial intelligence became popular, while we were young, finding work was rather straightforward: Print out a professional CV, look sharp, and be prepared for an in-person interview. But right now, things are no longer the same.

The New Age of AI For Job Seekers

What’s an AI

The ability of a machine to carry out cognitive processes that we connect with human minds, including sensing, thinking, learning, interacting with the environment, problem-solving, and even exercising creativity, is known as artificial intelligence, or AI. Even if you weren’t aware of it, you’ve sometimes already dealt with AI. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, as well as some customer service chatbots that appear to aid you in navigating websites, are all based on AI technology.

Job Hunting And AI

AI-driven hiring software is a mystery to job searchers. Digital technologies have completely changed the employment landscape during the past twenty years. Today’s employment and recruitment processes are dominated by automated technologies, enormous professional databases, and one-click applications.

Most likely, if you’ve recently been looking for work, you’ve dealt with an applicant tracking system, sometimes known as an ATS, also known as a resume robot. An ATS serves as an online assistant in its most basic form, helping hiring managers with the formulation of job descriptions, resume screening, and scheduling of interviews. Employers are increasingly using a combination of predictive analytics, machine learning, and sophisticated algorithms to screen candidates, assess their talents, and project future performance as artificial intelligence (AI) technology develops. Nowadays, it’s not unusual for candidates to receive a robot’s rejection before speaking to a real person in human resources.

Effects of AI Technology

Depending on how and by whom it is used, technology may be both a curse and a blessing. A variety of web resources are assisting candidates in avoiding HR’s “no” pile, the point of no return, such as resume-boosting software that increases keyword-matching and generative AI platforms that write cover letters.

Additionally, there is greater access to job postings than ever before thanks to algorithm-based career portals like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn. There are several options for adjusting to this brave new world in cyberspace.

Mileage from the machine

The question is, how do underrepresented job seekers “beat the bots”? That inquiry introduced me to a wealth of online tools enabling candidates to save time and effort throughout the application process, including resume scanners, skill-development programs, and coaching platforms.

Even though all the tools were mind-blowing, I was aware that some candidates would benefit from them more than others. Is this simply cheating, or does it actually level the playing field?

How to Beat the AI in Job Interviews

Well, there’s a way out, want to know how to read down to get the details. There are methods to work within the system, but you must influence it such that it serves your interests;

  • Hiring managers and career counselors have a ton of strategies and methods for making the most of the machine. The first bit of advice they give: Don’t try to con the tech. For instance, some job seekers use white or invisible text to describe abilities and qualifications they don’t actually possess in an effort to trick scanning tools. According to Chad Sowash, co-host of the Chad and Cheese podcast, which discusses labor economics, personnel management, and recruiting technologies, “No one has lied their way into a job doing that, and it won’t work,”.
  • Keeping your CV simple is the second criterion, according to Sowash and other professionals. Simple formatting is parse-friendly formatting. Use understandable typefaces like Times New Roman and bullet points instead of boxes, tables, pictures, or fancy fonts because these elements can cause the software to terminate you. Even some resume robots have trouble reading PDFs.
  • Utilizing a resume scanner or keyword simulator online. The following stage demonstrates how well your resume and the job description coincide. Job searchers are encouraged by Milligan to start with a free one, like TheProfessional.Me.

Dangers of AI Machines

Things like personal connection, judgment, and trust-building remain valuable despite all the technological tools.

We trust software with so many things these days that we no longer remember how things used to be. Before online flight reservations were possible, people used travel agencies. Before dating apps, some people used matchmakers.

However, human risks always accompany automation. AI offers serious risks for the workplace, including the possibility of mass layoffs and the abolition of entire job categories. The truth is that artificial intelligence (AI) is only as good as the data you give it.


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