How to Get Health Insurance

In today’s unpredictable world, health insurance is one of the most important investments you can make for yourself and your family. Health insurance offers financial protection against medical expenses, guaranteeing you can receive vital healthcare services without incurring debilitating fees.

How to Get Health Insurance

However, navigating the maze of health insurance choices can be difficult. Here’s a thorough guide on how to get health insurance, whether you’re looking for the first time or want to upgrade your coverage.

Four Ways to Get Health Insurance

Here are four common ways to obtain health insurance:

The ACA health insurance marketplace

Individuals, families, and small companies can purchase health insurance policies through’s marketplace.

This online resource allows you to learn more about health insurance, compare plans, enroll in a plan, and calculate how much you can save with premium tax credits and subsidies.

Even if your work provides insurance, you can still purchase a health plan through the marketplace; but, if you have employer-sponsored coverage, you may not be eligible for subsidies.

A health insurance broker or agent

A health insurance broker or agent can assist you in navigating the various insurance alternatives and selecting the best plan for your needs.

When working with agents or brokers, you pay no costs because insurers pay them on a commission basis.

To locate a broker or agent, use the federal government’s Find Local Help service to schedule in-person, phone, or email appointments.

You can also include a phone number or email address to be contacted by an agent or broker to discuss plan options. Agents and brokers that offer health insurance must be licensed in their respective states.

Directly from a health insurance company

Some people can locate plans that better meet their specific needs or budget by dealing directly with health insurance carriers.

These plans may meet ACA standards, or you may find a less expensive plan that does not provide as complete coverage as those available on the ACA Marketplace.

Purchasing a health plan outside of the marketplace removes the possibility of getting premium tax credits or other subsidies available through the marketplace.

Membership organizations and association health plans

People who do not have employer-provided health insurance, are self-employed, unemployed, or run small businesses may still qualify for a group health insurance plan.

These health plans require membership in a professional, trade, or membership organization. Check to see if your organization offers association plans health insurance.

association health plans let freelancers, small businesses, and self-employed people come together to buy group health insurance at discounted rates.

Know your health insurance terms

It’s useful to know the definitions of these major health insurance terms:


This is a flat fee that you must pay each time you obtain a health care service or operation.


 Coinsurance is a percentage (often 20%) of a medical expenditure that you pay; the remainder is covered by your health insurance plan.


The deductible is the amount you pay for covered medical services before your insurance starts paying.

Out-of-pocket maximum

This is the highest you will pay out of pocket for covered health care in a single year. Once you’ve reached the maximum, your insurance will cover the rest.

Out-of-pocket costs

Out-of-pocket costs are any fees that you must pay in addition to the premium for a plan, such as copays, coinsurance, or deductibles.


This is the monthly amount you pay for your health insurance plan.

Enroll During Open Enrollment Periods

Most health insurance plans offer defined enrollment periods for new coverage or adjustments to existing plans. The Open Enrollment Period for plans purchased via the Health Insurance Marketplace happens once a year, typically in the fall.

Outside of this timeframe, you may be eligible for Special Enrollment Periods due to life events like as marriage, childbirth, or the loss of existing coverage.

Maintain continuous coverage

Maintaining ongoing health insurance coverage is important not just for your own health, but also to prevent any penalties. Continuous coverage ensures consistent access to healthcare services and protects against unforeseen medical bills.

Be proactive about your health

Remember that health insurance is only one part of the puzzle. Taking proactive actions to preserve your health, such as being active, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular check-ups, can help avoid illnesses and lower long-term healthcare costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get health insurance as a retiree?

People 65 and older are eligible for Medicare, a federal health insurance program that provides comprehensive coverage.

You can sign up for Original Medicare through the government or Medicare Advantage, which is provided by private health insurance firms that work with the government. If you have Original Medicare, you can receive prescription drug benefits through Medicare Part D.

How can I get health insurance if I have a disability?

If you are disabled, you may be eligible for Medicare or Medicaid benefits. These government programs provide complete healthcare coverage.

You can also obtain coverage through the ACA Marketplace. Depending on your household income, you may receive a subsidized ACA plan that may provide premium tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs.

How can I obtain health insurance if I am self-employed?

If you don’t have access to a spouse’s or parent’s health insurance plan, self-employed individuals can obtain coverage through a variety of channels.

Self-employed health insurance is accessible through the Affordable Care Act marketplace or from a health insurance provider. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can also obtain coverage through Medicare and Medicaid.


Getting health insurance involves serious analysis, study, and proactive decision-making. Understanding your options, assessing your needs, and getting advice when necessary.

It will help you secure the correct coverage to safeguard your health and financial well-being. Remember to stay informed, examine your coverage frequently, and prioritize your health to get the most out of your health insurance investment.

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