ATM Card CVV – Where to Find Your ATM Card’s CVV

The ATM card CVV, also known as the Card Verification Value, is an important security feature printed on the back of your ATM card. The code is typically a three or four-digit number that is used to add an extra layer of security for online and over-the-phone transactions.


Whenever you make a purchase or conduct certain transactions, you may be asked to provide the CVV along with your card number and expiration date to verify that you physically possess the card.

This will help to prevent unauthorized use of your card by requiring a code that is not typically stored on magnetic stripes or embossed on the card.

Even if a fraudster somehow obtains your card number and expiration date, they still won’t be able to complete a transaction without the CVV.

This makes it much harder for them to make unauthorized transactions and helps protect your hard-earned money from being stolen.


While the ATM Card CVV provides an additional layer of security, it is still crucial to keep your card information safe and secure at all times. This means never sharing your card details with anyone whom you don’t trust and avoiding suspicious websites or phone calls that ask for your financial information. Keeping your card information private and secure is the best way to protect yourself from financial fraud and identity theft.

ATM Card CVV Meaning

The abbreviation CVV on ATM cards stands for Card Verification Value, which helps to reduce fraudulent activities. It is a set of features that card issuers use to establish the unique identity of the cardholder. Besides CVV, it is also known by other abbreviations.

  • CVV or CVV2 – Card Verification/Validation Value
  • CVC – Card Verification Code or Card Validation Code
  • CSC – Card Security Code
  • CID – Card Identification Number

Various credit card companies use different acronyms for their security codes. VISA uses CVV2 (Card Verification Value), whereas Mastercard has either CVV or CSC. Discover and American Express Cards use CID.

American Express cards have a 4-digit CID, which is printed on the front side of the card. The rest of the cards have the usual 3-digit CVV on the backside, near the signature space.

All of these codes serve the same basic purpose, which is to verify that the cardholder is making the transaction and owns the physical card.

Where to Find Your ATM Card’s CVV

Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards have a three-digit CVV code that can be found on the back of the card, usually next to the signature panel. You may also notice the last four digits of your card’s account number printed alongside the CVV code.

However, these four numbers don’t count as part of your CVV, so don’t include them when asked for your CVV online.

American Express cards, on the other hand, have a four-digit CVV that can be found on the front of the card, located just above and to the right of your account number.

It’s important to note that the CVV code is printed on the card, rather than being embossed in raised lettering for all four card networks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ATM Card CVV protect all Kinds of Fraud?

CVV protects from frauds like unauthorized transactions and theft. However, you need to be careful against cybercrimes like phishing and fraudulent calls where you share information.

How Can I Generate a CVV on an ATM Card?

It is not possible to generate CVV in an ATM card because it is generated by the card providers. The security code (CSC) is also generated just like the card number or the expiry date.

How Can I Protect My CVV From Being Disclosed?

Avoid sharing your CVV number or any personal information with anyone, and do not share photos of your cards.

Ensure you password-protect your WiFi or internet connection and install an antivirus on your computer or mobile device.

It is important to only enter your card details on trusted sites and apps, and ignore requests from unsolicited ones.

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